Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Slow Cooker Teriyaki Chicken

So I've succumbed to the world of Pinterest...and I like it!

I have been trying out all sorts of new recipes and will try to do a better job posting my likes, dislikes and modified recipes.

As you can tell from my historical posts, I have been lost from my blog for a few years...life happens, kids (well, kid) happen, work happens...but I figured now was as good a time as any to start back writing. Who knows, I may even be good and successful at it! Ha!

So here is my first attempt as a recipe guru!

I found a 3-ingredient crockpot teriyaki chicken recipe on Pinterest...I figured it would be a good inexpensive dinner option (watching the budget and all) however, I just couldn't agree with the recipe - it was literally chicken and prepackaged teriyaki sauce. The 3rd ingredient was white rice...go figure!

So I revamped the recipe to be my own 7-ingredient crockpot teriyaki chicken meal using a prepackaged teriyaki sauce base, as I am not motivated to make my own teriyaki sauce...technically it could be pared down to a 5-ingredient recipe if you skip the optional items:

2.5-3.5lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs
1 (20oz) bottle Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce (Takumi Collection)

1/2cup light brown sugar
1/2cup honey
2cups chicken stock
2TBSP garlic (optional)
2TBSP cornstarch (optional)

Combine teriyaki sauce, brown sugar, honey, and chicken stock (and garlic, if desired) in a bowl. Mix well.
Place chicken in slow cooker and cover with sauce mix. Cook on low for 5-6 hours, until chicken is completely cooked.

I like my sauce with a little body, but this next step is completely optional - about 15mins before serving, mix cornstarch with 1/3cup of cold water or chicken stock (if you have any left from earlier) to create a thick slurry and pour into the crockpot and mix gently. This will thicken up the sauce a bit.

And that's it! Serve over rice and the sides of your choice (or not!). Super tender and flavorful teriyaki chicken, and not overly salty like you would expect from normal teriyaki foods.

The "hubs" fell in love with this chicken...he may end up dreaming about it tonight - yeah, he's weird like that!

Yes, we ate it before I remembered to take pictures. Hey, I can't remember everything on my first food blogger attempt. I promise to try to do better next time!


Monday, May 26, 2014

So apparently I am still a slackerass that hasn't been keeping up with my blog. And I can't even blame it on being too busy! Hopefully I am moving back to good ol' Raleighwood and getting out of Chapel Hell...now don't get me wrong, the people are swell but unless you are a college student or work for the school/hospital system, it's not an exciting place to live. Pleasant but not as "active" as Raleigh. So I ended up spending most of my time besides for work in Raleigh anyway. Just makes more sense (and cost less in gas) if I just moved back!

Once my living arrangements get settled, I hope to be able to pick the blogging back up with some substantial topics. We'll see!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


So on my way home from my workout tonight (more on that in a later post), I was stopped at a light on Hwy 54 in Chapel Hill just minding my own business - it was like 10:30 at night after all! As I sat there, I realized some guy halfway leaning out of the passenger window of a little pickup in the lane to my left moaning (for lack of a better descriptive word) at me....my guess - drunk college student...so when he finally caught my attention he smiled and said hi to which I, being the polite person myself, said hi back and then continued to listen to the radio. Just as the light changed and I pulled off, I could hear this guy shouting something about "fat Oprah"...oh, if only that had happened 1 minute sooner!

So I dedicate this post to that, and any other equally moronic dumbasses of the world.

1) I prefer the term "curvaceous" as opposed to "fat". Yes, I may have some meat on my bones, but I am far from fat...plus I can work out and lose the weight while you, unfortunately, can't fix your stupidity.
2) I could be completely wrong, but I look nothing like Oprah...maybe more like a Margaret Cho?
3) I'm not black. In fact, I am a blend of Korean and German descent...how do you confuse the offspring of a short Asian woman and a blonde, blue-eyed tall man with Oprah? Really?

How much more ignorant can you get as a racist prick when you can't even get ethnicities right as you offend people? And you should take a long, hard look in the mirror (or at least sober up) before insulting others.

The youth (and future) of our nation doesn't appear very promising.


Monday, July 22, 2013

back in the saddle again!

It's been a long, long time since I've blogged - no doubt! But I think it's about time to start back up...so strap yourself in and hold on tight - it's going to be one crazy ride (or so I think)!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ride for Kids 2009

This past Sunday I volunteered for the Ride for Kids, benefiting the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The event was held at Jordan Lake in NC.

It was incredible - not only did I get to meet wonderful people and see gorgeous motorcycles, I also had the satisfaction of knowing that I participated in such a good cause. Some of the kids fighting for their lives were given the chance to ride on bikes or trikes in the hour (or so) ride around Chatham County.

And on top of it all, I even got to ride! Which was great! Definitely have to get me a motorcycle so I can ride on my own next year (I'll have to work on that one!)

But here are some pictures - hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another way to kill some time...

this link was forwarded to me by a friend, and I must say, it's actually kind of amusing...

Wikipedia names your band

Monday, February 16, 2009

midlife crisis?

I think I may be in the midst of a midlife crisis...after all, I am 32...does that count?

I've decided that I don't care what other people think (well, I've thought that for a while) and I'm going through a second childhood - I've been reconnecting with old friends and am having a good time hanging out with them...

ok, so maybe not a full-blown midlife crisis, but if I could afford a sportscar (haha), I'd probably get one...

maybe I've realized life is short and I want to enjoy as much of it while I can...who knows...maybe it's the alcohol talking...beats me...

maybe I think way too much...