Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am appalled...

It never ceases to disgust me how cruel humans can be...

China flaying animals alive

Editor's Note: The descriptions and video of China's fur industry in this story will be disturbing to some readers.

Friday, September 19, 2008

think before you speak...

With the impending elections, I find it interesting that some people are so quick to criticize others...when they should take a really good long look in the mirror.

People may say how unethical politicians are and how corrupt the government has become - bribes, thefts, affairs, DUI's, "shady" dealings....well, you know what? most of these "negatives" that politicians have are the same "negatives" most of us have...

Yes, we have an expectation that as leaders of our country, they should be "better" than the average person - but is this really realistic? After all, our elected officials do originate from the same selection pool we are all wading around in - once upon a time, they were "normal" people just like me and you. And is it fair? How can we pass judgement on others when we, collectively, are guilty of the same offenses? We all have "skeletons in the closet" that we may regret...

How can someone say "oh, what an awful person for having that affair" when they themselves have been unfaithful to their spouse? I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I have never understood how a person can justify being upset if their spouse cheats on them if they have done the same...

How many people can honestly admit that they have NEVER done something that may be construed as unethical or of conflicting interest? I doubt very many...let's accept it - we're not perfect...

"Should you become eager to mention another’s faults, recall your own."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the right to bear arms...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment - the right for Americans to keep and bear arms?

I believe that we have the right to physically protect ourselves by any means possible, when in fear for our lives. That being said, I do not believe we need sawed-off shotguns, automatic assault rifles, armor-piercing ammunition, etc. to accomplish this.

We should have the right to "bear arms" to protect ourselves, our families, and our property...but within limitations...what should those limitations be? Common-sense should be able to dictate that...yes, a quite difficult concept for most.

A .45 ACP or 9mm should be sufficient enough to deter any actions that could harm us. And yes, to possess these, one should be properly trained and mentally competent before handling them.

My personal interpretation of the amendment - we should all have the right to possess guns - if you don't believe you need a weapon for protection or don't want a gun, then don't own one...but don't take that choice away from those that feel they do...

Realistically though, besides for hunting or collectables, the "arms" we should be able to "keep and bear" should be the minimum needed to protect ourselves - anything beyond that is abusing the right and privilege.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

i'm confused...

well, it was such a gorgeous day outside, I decided to take Zaida (the dog I'm taking care of) for a long walk...

by the way - I think I might have killed her...no, not really - but it is amazing that I "out-walked" the dog...she's passed out exhausted in my sunroom as I type this...

but back to my story - so I'm walking her and some kids in the next neighborhood over are jumping on a trampoline in their backyard - so they can see over the fence - they're 3 boys probably about 10-12 years old...as I walk by (mind you, I am the only other person around), they proceed to yell out "hoochie-mama" - not obnoxiously, but just to get my attention....which then turned into "hey babe", "hey lady with the dog"...

and I just don't know where to be offended or flattered...even at 32 years old, the male population still confuses me...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

quick math...

Food for thought:

Congress voted to pay George Wasington a salary of $25,000 a year, about $566,000 in 2008 terms. Washington, already a wealthy man, refused to accept his salary; however, he asked for his living expenses to be covered. Theodore Roosevelt spent his entire $50,000 salary on entertaining guests at the White House. John F. Kennedy donated his salary to charities.

Traditionally, the president is the highest-paid public employee. President Bush currently earns $400,000 per year, along with a $50,000 expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment.

The most recent raise in salary was approved by Congress and President Bill Clinton and came into force in 2001; prior to the change, the president earned $200,000, plus expense accounts.

Prior to passage by Congress of the Former Presidents Act (FPA) in 1958, retired presidents did not receive a pension. All living presidents in 1959 began to receive a pension of $25,000 per year, an office, and a staff. The pension has increased numerous times with Congressional approval. Retired presidents now receive a pension based on the salary of the current administration's cabinet secretaries (Executive Level I), which is $191,300 as of 2008. Some former presidents have also collected congressional pensions. The FPA, as amended, also provides former presidents with travel funds and mailing privileges.

Until 1997, all former presidents and their families were protected by the Secret Service until the president's death. The last president to have lifetime Secret Service protection is Bill Clinton; George W. Bush and all subsequent presidents will be protected by the Secret Service for a maximum of ten years after leaving office.

According to the National Taxpayers Union, former President Clinton will draw an annual pension of around $161,200 and could earn a total record-high pension of over $7 million, should he live to be 80.

Barack Obama is 47 years old; John McCain is 72. If John McCain were to be the next president, upon retiring he would receive $765,200 at the current pension rate, should he live to be 80. If Barack Obama were to win, he would receive $5.5 million by the time he reaches 80 years old. And this is only the salary pension they would receive...

Maybe we should vote for John McCain to save some of our taxpayer money in the future...

Just being facetious, but it is an interesting thought...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

TV show vindicates Vicktory dogs

See how the Michael Vick dogs are changing hearts and minds.

Best Friend's Dogtown

I watched the National Geographic episode featuring these dogs, and it was incredible!

Monday, September 1, 2008

so what...

so Bristol Palin is pregnant at 17...big deal...the Palin family is "normal"...just like most families in the US...not saying it's "right," it just is...

Sarah Palin may "preach" abstinence, but doesn't every parent? I don't recall my mother telling me to go out and sleep with every guy I could find...

and of course, the follow-up was - "but if you are going to be sexually active, please use protection"...

how many parents are shocked by the news that their precious baby girl (that would of course never ever be promiscuous) is pregnant? this probably happens more than it should - but again, parents try to guide their kids and kids will be kids and not listen - even if the consequences are not pleasant...and it does "take two to tango" - I can only think of one case of immaculate conception...

but hey - did you know that Track Palin is in the Army and supposed to be deployed to Iraq? hmmm...again, just proves that the Palins are just like every other family in the US - dealing with teen pregnancy and family members serving overseas in the military...

I'm pro-choice and don't particularly like Sarah Palin's pro-life view (everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, I don't want a stranger telling me what I can and can't do with my own body when it comes to pregnancy)...but...

it seems to me, that if anyone knows what the American people are struggling through, it would be Sarah Palin...