Saturday, September 13, 2008

i'm confused...

well, it was such a gorgeous day outside, I decided to take Zaida (the dog I'm taking care of) for a long walk...

by the way - I think I might have killed, not really - but it is amazing that I "out-walked" the dog...she's passed out exhausted in my sunroom as I type this...

but back to my story - so I'm walking her and some kids in the next neighborhood over are jumping on a trampoline in their backyard - so they can see over the fence - they're 3 boys probably about 10-12 years I walk by (mind you, I am the only other person around), they proceed to yell out "hoochie-mama" - not obnoxiously, but just to get my attention....which then turned into "hey babe", "hey lady with the dog"...

and I just don't know where to be offended or flattered...even at 32 years old, the male population still confuses me...

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