Friday, September 19, 2008

think before you speak...

With the impending elections, I find it interesting that some people are so quick to criticize others...when they should take a really good long look in the mirror.

People may say how unethical politicians are and how corrupt the government has become - bribes, thefts, affairs, DUI's, "shady" dealings....well, you know what? most of these "negatives" that politicians have are the same "negatives" most of us have...

Yes, we have an expectation that as leaders of our country, they should be "better" than the average person - but is this really realistic? After all, our elected officials do originate from the same selection pool we are all wading around in - once upon a time, they were "normal" people just like me and you. And is it fair? How can we pass judgement on others when we, collectively, are guilty of the same offenses? We all have "skeletons in the closet" that we may regret...

How can someone say "oh, what an awful person for having that affair" when they themselves have been unfaithful to their spouse? I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I have never understood how a person can justify being upset if their spouse cheats on them if they have done the same...

How many people can honestly admit that they have NEVER done something that may be construed as unethical or of conflicting interest? I doubt very many...let's accept it - we're not perfect...

"Should you become eager to mention another’s faults, recall your own."


huguenot75 said...

You are very correct.

Until those said politicians make decisions based upon their personal lives that affect their public lives.

Pres. Clinton's and John Edwards' affairs have no bearing upon their ability to do their job.

Bribery - I can't agree with that. Theft either. Because it affects how they do their job, and ends up cheating those who elected them.

And I don't believe Mrs. Clinton or Mrs. Edwards cheated on their husbands.

It sounds as though YOU are looking in the mirror. And I'm not perfect, as none of us are. But politicians should not be in politics if they cannot handle the scrutiny OR the temptations.

RoscoeP13 said...

while I am not trying to make excuses for "corrupt" politicians, some of the "offenses" happened prior to elected into office...or are family members' faux pas...

I have made my share of mistakes, but I have come to terms with them and readily admit to my mistakes...however, I don't think some people should be so quick to judge unless they themselves are "perfect."

Politicians are human and are people just like you and me...subject to mistakes and temptations - yes, they should know better, but shouldn't we all?