Wednesday, July 16, 2008

dumb technology...

ok, so I don't claim to be the most techno-savvy person on the planet, but damn it, when it's too complicated to back up my contacts on my phone via Blue tooth to my computer....well, that's just dumb...

all I want to do is back up my contacts on my phone - it is starting to act strange and I think that I'm going to replace I know our Telecomm people will transfer the info, but honestly, this is the only place these phone numbers reside. IF for SOME reason not everything transfers (gasp - does that really happen?!?!?) I won't notice it at first until I try to call that person - ok, ok, I know that sounds petty and lazy, but come on, it's technology supposed to make our life simpler? We rely on our technology, almost blindly assuming that everything will work as it's supposed to. But does it really? well, no...every once in a while, something goes awry and if we're not paying attention, it could be a disaster. not saying if I lost my phone book contacts my world would come to a screeching halt, but it definitely would suck for a bit!

So me being not completely technologically inept, tried to be proactive - and what do I get for it...frustration! I know a large chunk of the fault is probably mine, but does it really have to this hard? "can't connect - device not found" what an awful phrase to see when you're trying to transfer files!

I was even ready to run the dang phone over with my car...but then that's just as much as I hate to give up and be beat, I concede in this case...too much energy was expended on this whole fiasco...ah well - it won't work and I'm too frustrated to care...

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