Friday, July 11, 2008

is it me?

I recently came back from a week-long vacation, and I just feel like I need to get away...

I'm just...well, blah...

am I burned-out? bored? I don't think it's work - I love my job (scary thought, right?) and that's probably my favorite part of the day...being at work. It's more like everything else - I just don't want to be bothered with anything or anyone...I just have no patience for I losing my mind (what little I had left)? I still have fun and enjoy being with my friends, but it's almost like I'd rather be left alone...

I don't know - perhaps I'm just in a funk...I really don't want to do anything, but I'm uncomfortable doing nothing as well...stuck between a rock and a hard place...just my luck!

I need to find something to revitalize my enthusiasm - any ideas?

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