Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vince Offer strikes again!

The "Underground Comedy Movie", then ShamWow! spokesman...and now presenting: the Slap Chop (along with the Graty)...

I must admit - the infomercial has it's moments of hilarity...my personal favorites are "You're gonna love my nuts" and "...freduccine, linguine, martini, bikini..." - um, well, ok?

I've added the link for your viewing (hehe) pleasure...

Slap Chop Website

Thursday, December 25, 2008

another one down...

well, Christmas is almost over...technically...

and nothing is better than spending most of Christmas Day at the hospital...can you sense the sarcasm? at least I can say that I'm grateful to even have a holiday to spend with my family, but it does take a little more luster off of a holiday that I don't care too much about already when I have to take my mother to the emergency room at 2am...now, don't panic, she's doing well - nothing immediately life-threatening like a heart attack or anything....she was just running a high fever, which is bad for her in her condition....hence the hospital run...

but like I said, I am thankful for my family (even though they tend to drive me insane) even if it means sitting in a hospital room all day on Christmas...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

it's about that time...

Christmas is almost upon us...shopping crazies are out and about...family plans are being made...I'm so glad I'm not a big fan of this time of the year...

now don't get me wrong, I'm thankful and grateful and all that, but I'm just not that into the whole "season"....maybe I just have a bit of "bah humbug" in me, but I've been this way for a long long time - I think after I grew out of the Santa Claus phase, the time of the year from Thanksgiving through Christmas just isn't so important to me...I like to give gifts, but don't really want any myself...I'm not big on the whole family gathering deal...and while I still think the lights are kind of cool, I'm beyond the whole decorating thing...

but I am off to San Antonio for Christmas this year...I do hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Something a little different...

Normally when I bake - it's cakes, cookies, or pies...sweets for people...

Well, today I tried for the second time, something a little different - dog biscuits! I made some last year (I think it was last year) - anyway, sometime in the past and they seemed to be ok...no dogs were harmed in eating them that I know of...so I figured I'd make some for the dogs of my coworkers as doggie Christmas presents - but it's a different recipe since I can't find my old one...

yes I'm strange - when I get bored, I bake...when I can't sleep, I bake...when I'm upset, I bake...hey, it's either that or, well, I don't know...knit? but I can't knit - I can bake though...

and if I do say so myself, they did turn out kind of cute...I'm leaving the taste-testing to the dogs though!