Sunday, October 19, 2008

back to baking basics...

well, after a baking hiatus due to personal situations, I think I'm back in the kitchen ready to start up the baking season - after all, the holidays are just ahead!

so to start it all off, I'm whipping up a birthday cake for a friend's daughter's birthday party - it's going to be a blast, since it's at the roller-skating rink! I'm imagining a classic white cake with strawberry filling (maybe even some lemon curd) and poor man's frosting (thanks goes out to a chef I used to know for clueing me in on that recipe)...simple yet classy - I think it will work well...

and then of course after that, I'll have to start on the classic pumpkin and pecan pies and Christmas cookies...oh, it's going to be a busy next couple of months! Maybe I'll even get lucky and acquire some more baking pointers from a friend's mom who normally visit this time of the year to escape the cold north!

baking, baking, baking - it's what I'm good at! (well, one thing...)

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