Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Farmer Wants a Wife

well, I'm really not sure what to think - it's like watching some grotesque surgical procedure - you want to look away, try to look away,'t...

I just happened to be scanning through the channels and somehow stopped on Farmer Wants a Wife - it was a repeat, but for some unknown, maybe even unconscious reason, I did not change the channel and actually watched the whole episode. I think it was the animals (I like animals and farms) and watching these ridiculous women trouncing around in high heels, short skirts, and bikinis on a farm, trying to impress this HOT farmer (yes, I will admit he is *very* attractive) that they are the rural type that he needs in his life. "Oh I'm definitely falling for him!" kind of made me giggle - he has a totally different view on life and love and these nutty women in the short time they spend with him are looking to be his wife (or at least a serious relationship)...I know, I know - it's a REALITY show, but where the hell did the reality go?

He's cute, yes...the experience is different and exciting, yes...but seriously, these women are willing to relocate themselves and their careers to live on a farm? Farms nowadays are much more high-tech and he's not really out in the boonies, but still - are they *really* going to give up everything to move to be a farmer's wife? I think not - lord knows I wouldn' matter how sexy, how rich, how wonderful the man is, and how much I loved farm life. Don't get me wrong - I do love farms and animals and have no disdain for hard work (I've put plenty of time in myself), but how can one fathom living a city life and wanting to "go country" just to be with a man? You do it for yourself. Maybe I'm just too independent of a woman (no, none of that "I am woman, hear me roar" crap) - but there are these things called identity and compromise (and just a FYI - they're really important for a healthy relationship). I can't imagine flipping my life upside-down for "love" - at least not unless I knew it was something I would have done even if there was no relationship. I can understand the dislike of the whole dating scene in the city, but they act like being in the country is being on another planet...different and strange, yes, but people are have the same issues with sex, love and relationships in both places...just a change in scenery. And if these women really wanted to get out of the "city life," did they really need to sign up for a reality show to do it?

The saddest thing out of all of this is that I actually watched the whole dang thing and then had to rant about it - I never said I was right in the head - plus I'd probably watch other episodes, more so just to see which woman he parting thought - again, where did the reality go in reality tv? at least they got the shoveling manure part right...

Farmer Wants a Wife

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