Friday, May 30, 2008

So I like to bake...

...there's nothing wrong with that, right?

It calms and soothes me - relaxes me in the way the beach relaxes most people...ok, ok, so I'm a bit off, but if it makes me happy, is it so wrong?

For instance, tonight I made about a dozen mini cheesecakes for my friend's Italian deli (see the link over there on the left side of this blog?) - all varieties, from plain to kahlua to peanut butter...was that enough? Oh no! Then I decided to whip up a chocolate chip angel food cake (yeah, I know - the chocolate chips kind of defeat the whole non-fat angel food cake concept). And will I stop there? Probably not - I'll drizzle the angel food cake with chocolate to finish it off. It was a modification on what Marshall wants for his birthday - hey, creative freedom! And depending on how motivated I feel this weekend, I might even make another cake - a white wine cake...why? just for the hell of it - why not?

The humorous part of my whole love of baking (particularly desserts) is that I very rarely eat anything I make - I carry it into work and let my co-workers gobble it up! I don't ever hear a complaint from them and it keeps me from gaining any weight...a win-win situation!

People tell me that I should start my own bakery (I've even been told by one that *if* she ever gets married again, I can create her wedding cake), but I think I'm just not ready to do that - to take that leap...maybe do custom desserts for a local independent bakery? That's pretty much what I do for my friend's deli - it allows for a more flexible schedule...maybe one day, though, I just might try my hand at a dessert shop - who knows?

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