Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I think I'm Addicted...

Yep, I believe I am hooked - I've decided that I have to get my regular fix of Anthony Bourdain, particularly his show No Reservations. I mean, how can you not love a sarcastic, entertaining, intellectual, smartass that knows all about foods, and introduces you to cuisine from around the world? Yes, I know - there's always that other guy, Andrew Zimmern - I like him well enough, but Mr. Bourdain is just so much more...well, hilarious! Maybe it's just me, actually it probably is, but I like the biting, yet complimentary dialogue better than the more "viewer-friendly" goofy approach that Mr. Zimmern provides. I really hope that someday, when I'm rich and famous (yeah, right), that I'll get to dine around the world like Anthony Bourdain - and hell, getting paid to do it would just be icing on the cake...

For now, I'll just continue to live vicariously through No Reservations like the rest of the Travel Channel-watchers.

The Travel Channel

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