Saturday, June 7, 2008

all I wanted was some bread!

Marshall and I went tonight to watch Kung Fu Panda at the IMAX theater downtown - which was a pretty decent little movie. Afterwards, we wandered around Moore Square to find a place to eat.

Being a Friday night, most places were fairly crowded. We ended up at Vic's Ristorante Italiano, sitting outside at a sidewalk table.

We weren't incredibly hungry so we decided on the Antipasto Italiano (for two), but I wanted bread on the side. The server informed us that they were out of bread. I thought it was strange, but didn't question. He also wanted to know if we wanted anything else - that they were busy and he had to place the entire order at once. I asked if that meant dessert too, but he said no, just the entree part of the meal. This wasn't a huge deal, unless we changed out minds, since we were only planning on the antipasto. So we get our food, and it's not too bad - not great, but good enough. And as we get about halfway through the platter, I noticed that other servers were bringing bread to their customers at other tables - not even by request. What the hell?!?!?! I thought they were out! I was even willing to pay extra for the bread, if necessary!!! But by that time we were past the point of needing any bread - and we figured we would try the tiramisu. So we waited and waited and waited...we had to ask the busboy that cleaned our plates from the table to find our server - and of course we couldn't tell him his name because we weren't given one. I did notice all of the other servers were much more attentive to their tables and even spouted out the specials, etc. Hmmm...maybe our server just sucked...

So we finally were able to order our dessert and we waited and waited and waited - finally it was brought out - melting (yes melting - beats me...I've never had tiramisu melt on me) - it turns out it seems to be made with some type of whipped cream was melty on the outside, but still cool in the middle - must have been frozen and needed to thaw? That would explain why it took so long to be brought to our table and the temperature variation.

Needless to say, the server was quite quick at handling the bill - imagine that. You know, is it too much to ask for bread at an Italian restaurant??? I guess so...all I can say is that their pizza better be outstanding - because between the food and service we received, I wouldn't go back. And I had heard such positive things about this place.

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