Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Vitamin D, man...

ok, so this morning on Good Morning America, there was an article on the fact that kids nowadays are deficient in Vitamin D.

Hmmm...let's see...considering that Vitamin D is the "sunshine vitamin" and in this day and age of tvs, computers and video games, kids are prone to stay out of the sun and sit all day inside! And of course most parents are either too busy to notice or prefer to keep them occupied inside so they don't have to go outside either!

But it doesn't stop there - infants and toddlers are also showing high Vitamin D deficiencies...hmmm...that would mean that the mothers are probably low to begin with...well, since most women of "mother" age are my age, and my generation was right smack in the middle of when the whole computer/videogame era began, I'd have to say it's a pretty obvious trend!

Of course they said that more people are wearing sunscreen and that would also contribute, but really? I don't know how much sun you need to not become lacking, but I can't imagine it requires hours upon hours of baking in the sun - maybe a few minutes here and there throughout the day would be enough...maybe?

I'm not a genius, but common sense would tell you that indoors + tv/computers/video games = Vitamin D deficiency...indoors + tv/computers/video games + fatty foods + no exercise = youth obesity, among other health issues...hmmm - coincidence? I think not!

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