Monday, June 16, 2008

let's try something new...

something new to bake that is...

if you hadn't guessed by now, I like to bake...and I do a lot of it for my friend, Amy, and her Italian Deli (see the link over to the left)...yes, she owes me - I'd say her first-born, but I know all of her children and while I am quite fond of them, she can definitely keep them!

so tonight I tried my hand at Egg Custard Pie - I think I've made it or something similar before, but I can't remember for sure...I think they came out ok - they look cooked and not like scrambled eggs (you have to mix scalded milk with beaten eggs - if you're not careful, you'll inadverdently make scrambled eggs).

we'll see how the customer likes it - I think it'll be fine...I haven't made anything gross so far!

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