Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vince Offer strikes again!

The "Underground Comedy Movie", then ShamWow! spokesman...and now presenting: the Slap Chop (along with the Graty)...

I must admit - the infomercial has it's moments of hilarity...my personal favorites are "You're gonna love my nuts" and "...freduccine, linguine, martini, bikini..." - um, well, ok?

I've added the link for your viewing (hehe) pleasure...

Slap Chop Website

Thursday, December 25, 2008

another one down...

well, Christmas is almost over...technically...

and nothing is better than spending most of Christmas Day at the hospital...can you sense the sarcasm? at least I can say that I'm grateful to even have a holiday to spend with my family, but it does take a little more luster off of a holiday that I don't care too much about already when I have to take my mother to the emergency room at 2am...now, don't panic, she's doing well - nothing immediately life-threatening like a heart attack or anything....she was just running a high fever, which is bad for her in her condition....hence the hospital run...

but like I said, I am thankful for my family (even though they tend to drive me insane) even if it means sitting in a hospital room all day on Christmas...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

it's about that time...

Christmas is almost upon us...shopping crazies are out and about...family plans are being made...I'm so glad I'm not a big fan of this time of the year...

now don't get me wrong, I'm thankful and grateful and all that, but I'm just not that into the whole "season"....maybe I just have a bit of "bah humbug" in me, but I've been this way for a long long time - I think after I grew out of the Santa Claus phase, the time of the year from Thanksgiving through Christmas just isn't so important to me...I like to give gifts, but don't really want any myself...I'm not big on the whole family gathering deal...and while I still think the lights are kind of cool, I'm beyond the whole decorating thing...

but I am off to San Antonio for Christmas this year...I do hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Something a little different...

Normally when I bake - it's cakes, cookies, or pies...sweets for people...

Well, today I tried for the second time, something a little different - dog biscuits! I made some last year (I think it was last year) - anyway, sometime in the past and they seemed to be ok...no dogs were harmed in eating them that I know of...so I figured I'd make some for the dogs of my coworkers as doggie Christmas presents - but it's a different recipe since I can't find my old one...

yes I'm strange - when I get bored, I bake...when I can't sleep, I bake...when I'm upset, I bake...hey, it's either that or, well, I don't know...knit? but I can't knit - I can bake though...

and if I do say so myself, they did turn out kind of cute...I'm leaving the taste-testing to the dogs though!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Watch D.O.G.S.

just saw a great news article about this program, so I thought I'd share!
(click on the title to follow the link)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

weekend baking party

consisting of just me...

I've gone crazy and baked like an insane woman over the last 2 days!

The result:
4 pecan pies
1 chocolate chess pie
2 pumpkin rolls
1 white wine cake
3 banana-cranberry nut bread loaves
4 dozen chocolate truffle cookies

I would have bake a few pumpkin pies, but I decided to quit for now...but sometime soon, I'll be making those, a sawdust pie, and perhaps a Boston cream pie as well...

And to think, everything (except 2 pecan pies) is being toted up to work for a chili cook-off tomorrow...it was either make chili or desserts, and since no one wanted to be on my team (we had to have teams of 3 to participate) I opted to bake...oh, my coworkers love to hate me, or hate to love me...whichever...but as I always say - calorie-free, fat-free, sugar-free...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

The extra 2 pecan pies (and some of the cookies) were whipped up for some friends of mine & their families - hey, men & kids love pie and cookies!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

another one ties the knot...

well, chalk one more up to wedded bliss...

it's almost sad that I told myself I'd only be married once and well, I did that without a wedding or even a honeymoon - yes, how pathetic am I, since I'm now virtually divorced...never will I wear a wedding dress or have a ceremony or get to honeymoon in some distant tropical land...oh well, life experience is how I see it - and being single works for me...

anyway, I thought I'd share some lovely pictures from a wedding I attended this weekend - it was the daughter of friends/co-workers that really is a comical fairy-tale type romance...they met in college through a mutual friend, yet she was in a relationship...they remained friends and when her relationship fizzled, he asked her out and the rest is history (or is it the future?)!

the Fred Astaire and Katherine Hepburn look-a-likes are the bride's proud parents...

they make the cutest couple and are perfect for each other - they compliment each other completely! riding off into the sunset - oh, to be young again!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008 - finally almost over!

yes, yes - it's a historical event either way you look at it, but you know in all honesty, I'm just ready for it to all be done with...

I think I have been bombarded long enough with the television ad campaigns, and it feels like the only mail I've received in the past month has been bills (woohoo!) and political mailings...

I came, I saw, I voted, and now I (and the whole country) wait...

so...coffee, check...laptop, check...tv & remote, check...nothing left to do but sit back and watch the national color-by-(electoral vote)numbers map slowly fill in with red and blue...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

for your viewing pleasure!

ok - so the cake came out actually pretty well...it's not by any means as good as a professional cake decorator, but I impressed myself - and everyone said it looked amazing and tasted great! Overall, I'm satisfied!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

it's that time of the year...

I forgot how much I really enjoyed baking - I made some brownie cupcakes tonight to test out new icing, which was actually pretty good - it was a light whipped icing, fairly sweet with a bit of a marshmallow taste...I tinted it orange in honor of Halloween!

I'm going to use it on a tiered classic white cake with strawberry filling decorated with flowers - it's a birthday cake for my friend's daughter's birthday party this weekend. I hope it turns out nice - I'm not very good at decorating, but I'll give it a shot...if it looks nice, I'll post some pictures!

and then it's the time of the year for holiday fattening-up! so next it'll be sweet potato, pumpkin, and pecan pies and cookies - maybe even a couple of cakes...Italian Cream Cake, maybe? My co-workers are going to love to hate me, or is it hate to love me?

yup - definitely missed baking and happy to start back up!

Monday, October 20, 2008

give a little bit...

ah, yes - Supertramp said it so well...give a little bit...

just a little bit...but once you crack open that door, be prepared for it to be shoved wide open...and then what?

it's not "to be or not to be", but "to trust or not to trust"...I have trust issues - everyone that knows me will attest to that! and I don't just mean with the opposite sex - this applies to friends and family...I know, how sad to always be suspicious of everyone - but my "conspiracy theory" has proven true more times than not...paranoid? maybe...after all, at some point in your life, someone is really "out to get you"...and after the so-called "loved ones" I've had recently in my life, I have every right to trust no one! One was even childish enough to threaten to kill me (no worries, but *if* bad things start to happen to me or I do meet my demise mysteriously - we'll know where to look first!)...like I can honestly be to blame for his problems! Some people should really look inward when they can't get their crap together...

I think the root of my problem is I'm worried about being able to trust myself...kind of like if you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else...well, mine is if I don't know myself, how can I know and trust anyone else? Sounds dumb, but the closest I can think of to compare it to is...well, remember the scene from Runaway Bride, where Richard Gere asks Julia Roberts what kind of eggs she likes and she can't answer because she's just always liked whatever the man in her life at that time liked...I can completely relate - I don't know what kind of eggs I like the best...silly analogy, but it's the best I can come up with...

I have learned some things in my short lifetime so far - once a cheat, does not means always a cheat (most of the time, but not always), but are you willing to be the one to test it? It's like being an experimental drug test subject - not all "guinea pigs" will have adverse side affects, but are the rewards worth the risks? Something to definitely consider - especially with relationships, romantic or otherwise - does the benefit outweigh the potential emotional heartache and betrayal...particularly if there is a history of it...too bad they don't make a risk-assessment program to load pros and cons and spit out a result...only in the movies!

ask yourself this - is it fair to you to constantly worry if someone will betray you, so much so that you can't enjoy being in their company without that nagging thought running in the back of your mind? goodness no - where is the pleasure in that?

here's my for instance, taken straight from the pages of my life - I thought I had made a non-local (ok, ok - an online) friend (and I don't make friends easily - something to do with not trusting people...go figure). This was someone to just talk to and learn more about...completely innocent...and yet, after some quite pleasant conversations about politics, friends, and travel, that particular person "disappeared off the face of the earth." Literally - email address is no longer valid, etc. My thoughts? well, I believe this was just someone pretending to be someone they are not, duh...reason - who the hell knows? it's not like I'm some highly important person or knows any confidential military secrets...I didn't reveal any deep, dark secrets other than I like to bake, but hell, they could have read this blog and found that out instead of going through all of that unnecessary effort...and of course, how mature can that person really be? maybe it was a (and yes, I'm going to be politically incorrect and stereotype) pimply-faced pre-pubescent teenage boy looking for some kicks or some middle-aged, mid-life crisis bound person (I'm thinking woman, since they were too well-spoken to be male - yes, yes, bad me for stereotyping - there *are* some well-versed men in the world) with nothing better to do than to kill some time in their lonely life...am I pissed off? just a wee bit (haha no pun intended)...but mainly because I broke my cardinal rule and actually started to trust a little bit - I figured this person was on the other side of the country and it was incredibly unlikely to ever meet in person, so what did it matter?...but I guess technically, this person could actually be in the same city I'm in...I'm mad at myself for being gullible because I KNEW something just didn't sit right, but at least I'm not as pathetic as the fake friend!

yes, I have trust issues - I always think people have a hidden agenda...is it normal? no... is it right? no... but it's just the way I am...don't pity me though - while the saying is "tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all," I'll stick to "trust no one"...and just give a little bit...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

back to baking basics...

well, after a baking hiatus due to personal situations, I think I'm back in the kitchen ready to start up the baking season - after all, the holidays are just ahead!

so to start it all off, I'm whipping up a birthday cake for a friend's daughter's birthday party - it's going to be a blast, since it's at the roller-skating rink! I'm imagining a classic white cake with strawberry filling (maybe even some lemon curd) and poor man's frosting (thanks goes out to a chef I used to know for clueing me in on that recipe)...simple yet classy - I think it will work well...

and then of course after that, I'll have to start on the classic pumpkin and pecan pies and Christmas cookies...oh, it's going to be a busy next couple of months! Maybe I'll even get lucky and acquire some more baking pointers from a friend's mom who normally visit this time of the year to escape the cold north!

baking, baking, baking - it's what I'm good at! (well, one thing...)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friendship (a poem)

A good and true friend
May be difficult to find
Like searching a darkened cellar
For that perfect vintage wine

Loyal and honest friends
Are ones you ought to keep
Those that hold your hand
For the laughs and when you weep

We are a mirrored reflection
Of our circle of friends
Hold the worthy close to heart
From beginnings to the ends

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Time for Some Campaignin'

I love JibJab!

They won me over with "This Land" four years ago, and this follow-up for 2008 is hilariously brilliant!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I received in the mail the other day a one-hour pre-release special edition of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West."

Well, I had a plane ride to San Antonio, so I threw it in my computer bag and figured it would be something to watch on the plane...

I don't know why I was sent the DVD - whether it was sent via a bulk mailing list or if my name popped up on the mailing list due to one of the various lists I am already on...it came from The Clarion Fund, who claims to be "an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to educating the public about national security issues."

I must admit I was enthralled for the entire hour viewing - it was a very poignant documentary about Muslim extremists. I would recommend watching it yourself and coming to your own conclusions - but it is, in my opinion, a bit of a wake-up call that we probably all need...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am appalled...

It never ceases to disgust me how cruel humans can be...

China flaying animals alive

Editor's Note: The descriptions and video of China's fur industry in this story will be disturbing to some readers.

Friday, September 19, 2008

think before you speak...

With the impending elections, I find it interesting that some people are so quick to criticize others...when they should take a really good long look in the mirror.

People may say how unethical politicians are and how corrupt the government has become - bribes, thefts, affairs, DUI's, "shady" dealings....well, you know what? most of these "negatives" that politicians have are the same "negatives" most of us have...

Yes, we have an expectation that as leaders of our country, they should be "better" than the average person - but is this really realistic? After all, our elected officials do originate from the same selection pool we are all wading around in - once upon a time, they were "normal" people just like me and you. And is it fair? How can we pass judgement on others when we, collectively, are guilty of the same offenses? We all have "skeletons in the closet" that we may regret...

How can someone say "oh, what an awful person for having that affair" when they themselves have been unfaithful to their spouse? I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I have never understood how a person can justify being upset if their spouse cheats on them if they have done the same...

How many people can honestly admit that they have NEVER done something that may be construed as unethical or of conflicting interest? I doubt very many...let's accept it - we're not perfect...

"Should you become eager to mention another’s faults, recall your own."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the right to bear arms...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The 2nd Amendment - the right for Americans to keep and bear arms?

I believe that we have the right to physically protect ourselves by any means possible, when in fear for our lives. That being said, I do not believe we need sawed-off shotguns, automatic assault rifles, armor-piercing ammunition, etc. to accomplish this.

We should have the right to "bear arms" to protect ourselves, our families, and our property...but within limitations...what should those limitations be? Common-sense should be able to dictate that...yes, a quite difficult concept for most.

A .45 ACP or 9mm should be sufficient enough to deter any actions that could harm us. And yes, to possess these, one should be properly trained and mentally competent before handling them.

My personal interpretation of the amendment - we should all have the right to possess guns - if you don't believe you need a weapon for protection or don't want a gun, then don't own one...but don't take that choice away from those that feel they do...

Realistically though, besides for hunting or collectables, the "arms" we should be able to "keep and bear" should be the minimum needed to protect ourselves - anything beyond that is abusing the right and privilege.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

i'm confused...

well, it was such a gorgeous day outside, I decided to take Zaida (the dog I'm taking care of) for a long walk...

by the way - I think I might have killed her...no, not really - but it is amazing that I "out-walked" the dog...she's passed out exhausted in my sunroom as I type this...

but back to my story - so I'm walking her and some kids in the next neighborhood over are jumping on a trampoline in their backyard - so they can see over the fence - they're 3 boys probably about 10-12 years old...as I walk by (mind you, I am the only other person around), they proceed to yell out "hoochie-mama" - not obnoxiously, but just to get my attention....which then turned into "hey babe", "hey lady with the dog"...

and I just don't know where to be offended or flattered...even at 32 years old, the male population still confuses me...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

quick math...

Food for thought:

Congress voted to pay George Wasington a salary of $25,000 a year, about $566,000 in 2008 terms. Washington, already a wealthy man, refused to accept his salary; however, he asked for his living expenses to be covered. Theodore Roosevelt spent his entire $50,000 salary on entertaining guests at the White House. John F. Kennedy donated his salary to charities.

Traditionally, the president is the highest-paid public employee. President Bush currently earns $400,000 per year, along with a $50,000 expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment.

The most recent raise in salary was approved by Congress and President Bill Clinton and came into force in 2001; prior to the change, the president earned $200,000, plus expense accounts.

Prior to passage by Congress of the Former Presidents Act (FPA) in 1958, retired presidents did not receive a pension. All living presidents in 1959 began to receive a pension of $25,000 per year, an office, and a staff. The pension has increased numerous times with Congressional approval. Retired presidents now receive a pension based on the salary of the current administration's cabinet secretaries (Executive Level I), which is $191,300 as of 2008. Some former presidents have also collected congressional pensions. The FPA, as amended, also provides former presidents with travel funds and mailing privileges.

Until 1997, all former presidents and their families were protected by the Secret Service until the president's death. The last president to have lifetime Secret Service protection is Bill Clinton; George W. Bush and all subsequent presidents will be protected by the Secret Service for a maximum of ten years after leaving office.

According to the National Taxpayers Union, former President Clinton will draw an annual pension of around $161,200 and could earn a total record-high pension of over $7 million, should he live to be 80.

Barack Obama is 47 years old; John McCain is 72. If John McCain were to be the next president, upon retiring he would receive $765,200 at the current pension rate, should he live to be 80. If Barack Obama were to win, he would receive $5.5 million by the time he reaches 80 years old. And this is only the salary pension they would receive...

Maybe we should vote for John McCain to save some of our taxpayer money in the future...

Just being facetious, but it is an interesting thought...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

TV show vindicates Vicktory dogs

See how the Michael Vick dogs are changing hearts and minds.

Best Friend's Dogtown

I watched the National Geographic episode featuring these dogs, and it was incredible!

Monday, September 1, 2008

so what...

so Bristol Palin is pregnant at 17...big deal...the Palin family is "normal"...just like most families in the US...not saying it's "right," it just is...

Sarah Palin may "preach" abstinence, but doesn't every parent? I don't recall my mother telling me to go out and sleep with every guy I could find...

and of course, the follow-up was - "but if you are going to be sexually active, please use protection"...

how many parents are shocked by the news that their precious baby girl (that would of course never ever be promiscuous) is pregnant? this probably happens more than it should - but again, parents try to guide their kids and kids will be kids and not listen - even if the consequences are not pleasant...and it does "take two to tango" - I can only think of one case of immaculate conception...

but hey - did you know that Track Palin is in the Army and supposed to be deployed to Iraq? hmmm...again, just proves that the Palins are just like every other family in the US - dealing with teen pregnancy and family members serving overseas in the military...

I'm pro-choice and don't particularly like Sarah Palin's pro-life view (everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, I don't want a stranger telling me what I can and can't do with my own body when it comes to pregnancy)...but...

it seems to me, that if anyone knows what the American people are struggling through, it would be Sarah Palin...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

how true...

"The pleasure you get out of life is equal to the attitude you put into it" -- Anonymous

Friday, August 22, 2008

my sushi...

so I'm odd...a little off in the head...a skosh insane...

my friend and I got Betta fish...hers is spoiled - in a nice 7-gallon bowfront fishtank, while mine is in, literally, a fish bowl...but I'm going to get mine a nice home shortly...and of course, right now, I'm taking care of her fish at my apartment because...well, I'm not sure why...

but on with the story - she was trying to figure out what to name her fish - and somehow she ended up with "Barack" after Presidential hopeful Barack Obama...I told her that I would never intentionally harm a living creature, so in retaliation, I first thought to name mine McCain, but then I had an even better thought - "Ralphie" in honor of Ralph Nader...perfect to counter her "Barack," don't you think?

that was short-lived though...she finally ended up with "Buddah" and decided to make her fishtank a model of peace and tranquility...

not to be outdone, obviously, I decided on "Sushi" for my fish...yes, yes...technically, to be correct, I should have named him "Sashimi," but "Sushi" sounded cooler...and not so cruel...

that's my story - hope you enjoyed - and I really do like sushi and sashimi...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

finally! a birthday present presents itself!

Well, I would expect any "normal" kid's response to "what do you want for you birthday" to be something like "a monkey" or "a race car" or "a new bike"...not "socks"!

After harassing my friends' child one more time, trying to painfully extract an acceptable (in my mind) birthday present for a 9-year-old, I finally suggested a hamster - well, apparently he had one and didn't take very good care of it. Maybe a hour later, after much banter with him and his mother, suddenly a pet rat was the answer - not my answer, but they are pretty smart critters and make good pets - you just have to get past the whole rat part...so I figured as long as his parents were ok with it, it might be an option.

So off we go to the pet store to research the needs and costs - though I'm still leaning toward a simple Betta and bowl! For a whole starter kit and baby rat, the total damage was right around $100 - yeah, for a $5 rat! Again, leaning toward the fish! but this poor boy had his heart set on a rat...so the deal is to put the rat on hold and discuss this with his parents - if they agree, then he can have it...

of course mom says "well, maybe" and dad says "hell no!" so the compromise is that he can't have the rat until he proves he is responsible...so he gets a fish tank and fish - not the Betta and bowl, but a full-blown 2 1/2 gallon with filter and all the bells and whistles (it even has pirate decals! and it won't break the bank at a whopping $30) The deal is, if he can take care of the tank and keep the fish alive, he can get the pet rat for Christmas - aren't I such the nice "auntie"?

Not that I don't want to spend the money, particularly on a non-family member - it's just that I don't want to spend that kind of money and have the poor animal not taken care of properly. Yes, I know - fish are animals too, but they are a little easier to care for than an animal that should be handled everyday and whose cage should be cleaned out every week...that's one of my biggest pet peeves - haha, no pun intended - people that get pets and then don't take of them...the animals don't deserve that! You should be serious about the responsibilities of a pet before taking one into your home...

overall, it seems like a fair deal - and it gives him something to look forward to at Christmas...a challenge and a goal...

Friday, August 15, 2008

what to get a 9-year-old for his birthday?

that's my dilemma...my friends' son has turned 9 years old and I have no clue what to get him for a birthday present...

of course I ask his mother and the first thing out of her mouth is "socks" - what?!?!? I'm not going to give the child socks! the next suggestion was shirts - so I thought ok, that might be cool - but then she said, no plain white polos to wear for school...again, what? I'm not getting him his school uniform shirts for a birthday present...I think my friend has lost her marbles!

so then, me being the smart person I am, I asked him what he wanted...his answer "an indestructible car" of course I told him they don't make those - and I must note that this is the child that DEMOLISHES toys within minutes of opening the package! So his other choices were a remote control car (which after a moment, I remembered that's what I gave him for his birthday last year, and he destroyed after a day!) or candy - "just give me candy" that's what he said! I don't know that I have ever had a child ask for candy for a birthday present!

so I'm back to square one - what to get him for that dang birthday present! I guess I'm left to wander the toy aisles aimlessly until something catches my eye...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Got some free time on September 14th?

So as most of you that read my blog know, besides being very sporadic with my posts, that one of the "volunteer" things I do is help out my friend's Italian deli...well, if you have some free time on Sunday, September 14th between 2-7pm, maybe you could join us at Koka Booth Amphitheatre at Regency Park in Cary, NC for a charitable event with loads of food! And of course, Ferlo's Alimentari (my friend's deli) will be there! It's a fundraiser to support the new Children's Hospital that is being built. So buy a ticket and come out and enjoy some local restuarants' cuisine while supporting a good cause!

The event is called "Dish It Up" and is sponsored by WakeMed and their "Just For Kids Kampaign." We hope to see you there!

Dish It Up! '08

Thursday, July 24, 2008

kinda makes you think...

obviously, I'm not the only one that enjoys my job and who I work for...this is an article that was published in one of the company's newsletters:

The CARQUEST family recently lost teammate Wilburn “Dub” Baskin Hedrick. He passed away July 9, 2008. “Dub,” as he was known, began working in the automotive industry in 1955, and joined the CARQUEST team through the Womwell Auto Parts Acquisition in the 1980s.

Dub Hedrick was a leader, a dedicated teammate, and a role model for any CARQUEST teammate. Hedrick was a family man and a great friend. The teammates in Harlan, Kentucky are deeply saddened by the loss, but feel blessed to have shared so many wonderful memories, and to have learned so much from one of the best in the industry. Our sincere condolences go out to the family of Dub.

Dub was loyal to CARQUEST even after death. Dub’s last request was to be buried in his CARQUEST shirt.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

dumb technology...

ok, so I don't claim to be the most techno-savvy person on the planet, but damn it, when it's too complicated to back up my contacts on my phone via Blue tooth to my computer....well, that's just dumb...

all I want to do is back up my contacts on my phone - it is starting to act strange and I think that I'm going to replace it...now I know our Telecomm people will transfer the info, but honestly, this is the only place these phone numbers reside. IF for SOME reason not everything transfers (gasp - does that really happen?!?!?) I won't notice it at first until I try to call that person - ok, ok, I know that sounds petty and lazy, but come on, it's technology supposed to make our life simpler? We rely on our technology, almost blindly assuming that everything will work as it's supposed to. But does it really? well, no...every once in a while, something goes awry and if we're not paying attention, it could be a disaster. not saying if I lost my phone book contacts my world would come to a screeching halt, but it definitely would suck for a bit!

So me being not completely technologically inept, tried to be proactive - and what do I get for it...frustration! I know a large chunk of the fault is probably mine, but does it really have to this hard? "can't connect - device not found" what an awful phrase to see when you're trying to transfer files!

I was even ready to run the dang phone over with my car...but then that's just childish...so as much as I hate to give up and be beat, I concede in this case...too much energy was expended on this whole fiasco...ah well - it won't work and I'm too frustrated to care...

Friday, July 11, 2008

is it me?

I recently came back from a week-long vacation, and I just feel like I need to get away...

I'm just...well, blah...

am I burned-out? bored? I don't think it's work - I love my job (scary thought, right?) and that's probably my favorite part of the day...being at work. It's more like everything else - I just don't want to be bothered with anything or anyone...I just have no patience for either...am I losing my mind (what little I had left)? I still have fun and enjoy being with my friends, but it's almost like I'd rather be left alone...

I don't know - perhaps I'm just in a funk...I really don't want to do anything, but I'm uncomfortable doing nothing as well...stuck between a rock and a hard place...just my luck!

I need to find something to revitalize my enthusiasm - any ideas?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


well, I'm definitely feeling my age...

I had a strange dream last night that involved a guy I grew up with (no, not *that* kind of dream)...just a kind of disjointed, odd dream - and over the years, for some unknown reason to me, this same guy has appeared in some of my dreams - which got me a little sad because as we grew up, we grew apart and by the end of high school, didn't even talk to each other...we just traveled in different circles...even though we lived just down the street from each other. So anyway, I tried Google-ing him - you know how many freakin' Casey Pattersons there are in the United States? and that's assuming that he's even living stateside...but - in an attempt to find this old friend, I stumbled across another...

and I'm actually proud of this friend - he also lived just down the street and we grew up together, but also grew apart by the time we graduated high school...in fact, in the second grade (yes, I can actually remember that far back), he gave me my first kiss - though I punched him in the arm and threatened his life if he told anyone (yes, I was the epitome of a tomboy). Well, it turns out that he made good for himself and is a pro baseball player - played for the Cincinnati Reds even...it'd be way cool if he transferred to play for the Durham Bulls - hey I can dream! And to think, as excited as I was for Josh Hamilton's success (being from Raleigh and all), I find out now that someone I grew up with is a pro ball player! Kudos, Brandon! (I'm pretty sure he grew into "Brandon"...when we were little, he was "BJ")

oh well - maybe I'll get lucky and make some "re-connections"...in all honesty, I have not bothered with keeping in touch with those that I grew up with or even thought much about my "younger days" until now - I've been in my own little world for the past 14 years...you can never go back, but you should never forget where you came from - maybe it's time I start remembering...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

if I were cold-hearted...

For my own harsh, personal reasons, I should feel a bit vindicated (thanks, Mother Nature?) upon hearing that parts of Winfield, Missouri are being washed away.

But I am a firm believer in karma, and the town and the people that still reside there did not do any harm to me...it's the persons that are not there anymore, but here in North Carolina now, that have personally offended me.

If I were cold-hearted, I'd rejoice in such natural destruction - so it's a good thing I'm a much better person than that...

My thoughts are with those undergoing such horrific conditions in that area - hoping they are safe...and to those that hurt me...well, just remember karma and that the pain we cause others is always returned threefold...

Monday, June 23, 2008

a crazy night of tv

ok, I just *have* to make comments on some of the things I watched on tv tonight...

The Bachelorette - I don't normally watch the show, but there was nothing else on...Graham Bunn from Raleigh NC...well, what a mistake! on his part, that is...I understand men that shut down when things are tough and internalize issues - I'm a girl and I do the same thing, but come on - you're on a show where the whole point is to open up and show this other person how much you care! You're competing for her affection, for goodness sake! ok, so you're sexy and athletic and charming in a Southern sort of fashion. And there's nothing wrong with "quiet" men...in fact, there's something even sexier about them, mysterious almost...but he sort of disappointed me, being from Raleigh and all...I definitely thought he'd a least open up a little...even just a bit, if he was at all interested...he has potential - I know I find him attractive, not just physically - he just played his cards wrong...at least on the show! I've read the blogs that said he was just in it to further a modeling/acting career - and that may be, I don't know...but why crush someone emotionally to do that? I don't get it - it frustrates me - now you know why I don't watch the show!!!!

Wipeout! what more needs to be said? I watched the preview clips and about had a fit giggling at the antics of these clueless folks competing on the show! it's like an American version of MXC - and I love that show...not sure why, but I laugh and laugh! Maybe it makes me feel better knowing there are such odd people out there...I'm definitely a fan so far - I hope the show doesn't disappoint tomorrow night...I'll be watching, ready to giggle and laugh and snort out loud! Yes, I'm a strange one - but I'd rather live happy and fun than boring and gray...

Ah well, reality tv - love it or hate it, it is what it is...ironic to see what entertains us nowadays - what has our society has become? I really don't want to know the answer...I'll stick with my Mel Brooks and History of the World: Part 1 (which is what I'm watching as I type this)!

my new buddy...

Is this not the coolest looking cat??!?!?! Blackish with speckled stripes...I think it's adopted me...weird since I'm not a cat-person...and all it wants to do is curl up in my lap and fall asleep...I'm torn - part of me wants to take her (I think it's a "her") home and part of me knows I really don't need a pet...what to do, what to do?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

4th of July

Well, I've been conned into going to Anderson, SC for the week of 4th of July...ok, so I really wasn't *conned* - more like I lost a bet...

I will be lounging around a lake (I can't remember which one) for a week - what ever will I do with myself???? Marshall and I will be heading down to actually have a vacation together - vacation, that word seems familiar, like I should know what it is...and he might even drag me kicking and screaming to the Clemson campus...maybe...

so this will be the first real vacation I've had in years - and I get to jetski too! Never done that before - I know, I'm 32 and have experienced that - well, I've never gone deep-sea fishing either and I hope to do that one day soon too! So relaxing and jetskiing on a lake for a week! Yay me!

Just have to remember to pack the sunscreen!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Vitamin D, man...

ok, so this morning on Good Morning America, there was an article on the fact that kids nowadays are deficient in Vitamin D.

Hmmm...let's see...considering that Vitamin D is the "sunshine vitamin" and in this day and age of tvs, computers and video games, kids are prone to stay out of the sun and sit all day inside! And of course most parents are either too busy to notice or prefer to keep them occupied inside so they don't have to go outside either!

But it doesn't stop there - infants and toddlers are also showing high Vitamin D deficiencies...hmmm...that would mean that the mothers are probably low to begin with...well, since most women of "mother" age are my age, and my generation was right smack in the middle of when the whole computer/videogame era began, I'd have to say it's a pretty obvious trend!

Of course they said that more people are wearing sunscreen and that would also contribute, but really? I don't know how much sun you need to not become lacking, but I can't imagine it requires hours upon hours of baking in the sun - maybe a few minutes here and there throughout the day would be enough...maybe?

I'm not a genius, but common sense would tell you that indoors + tv/computers/video games = Vitamin D deficiency...indoors + tv/computers/video games + fatty foods + no exercise = youth obesity, among other health issues...hmmm - coincidence? I think not!

Monday, June 16, 2008

let's try something new...

something new to bake that is...

if you hadn't guessed by now, I like to bake...and I do a lot of it for my friend, Amy, and her Italian Deli (see the link over to the left)...yes, she owes me - I'd say her first-born, but I know all of her children and while I am quite fond of them, she can definitely keep them!

so tonight I tried my hand at Egg Custard Pie - I think I've made it or something similar before, but I can't remember for sure...I think they came out ok - they look cooked and not like scrambled eggs (you have to mix scalded milk with beaten eggs - if you're not careful, you'll inadverdently make scrambled eggs).

we'll see how the customer likes it - I think it'll be fine...I haven't made anything gross so far!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

all I wanted was some bread!

Marshall and I went tonight to watch Kung Fu Panda at the IMAX theater downtown - which was a pretty decent little movie. Afterwards, we wandered around Moore Square to find a place to eat.

Being a Friday night, most places were fairly crowded. We ended up at Vic's Ristorante Italiano, sitting outside at a sidewalk table.

We weren't incredibly hungry so we decided on the Antipasto Italiano (for two), but I wanted bread on the side. The server informed us that they were out of bread. I thought it was strange, but didn't question. He also wanted to know if we wanted anything else - that they were busy and he had to place the entire order at once. I asked if that meant dessert too, but he said no, just the entree part of the meal. This wasn't a huge deal, unless we changed out minds, since we were only planning on the antipasto. So we get our food, and it's not too bad - not great, but good enough. And as we get about halfway through the platter, I noticed that other servers were bringing bread to their customers at other tables - not even by request. What the hell?!?!?! I thought they were out! I was even willing to pay extra for the bread, if necessary!!! But by that time we were past the point of needing any bread - and we figured we would try the tiramisu. So we waited and waited and waited...we had to ask the busboy that cleaned our plates from the table to find our server - and of course we couldn't tell him his name because we weren't given one. I did notice all of the other servers were much more attentive to their tables and even spouted out the specials, etc. Hmmm...maybe our server just sucked...

So we finally were able to order our dessert and we waited and waited and waited - finally it was brought out - melting (yes melting - beats me...I've never had tiramisu melt on me) - it turns out it seems to be made with some type of whipped cream concoction...it was melty on the outside, but still cool in the middle - must have been frozen and needed to thaw? That would explain why it took so long to be brought to our table and the temperature variation.

Needless to say, the server was quite quick at handling the bill - imagine that. You know, is it too much to ask for bread at an Italian restaurant??? I guess so...all I can say is that their pizza better be outstanding - because between the food and service we received, I wouldn't go back. And I had heard such positive things about this place.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just don't know....

I think I have a problem - with relationships...

yes, I'm "exposing" myself and my inner thoughts!

just to jump to the chase, I'm divorced (well, almost)....and I promised myself that I would only be married once - dumb and childish, maybe, but I'm stubborn like that. So, one and only marriage up - but I never said I wouldn't date or be in a relationship, or even go as far as to live with someone (maybe).

I'm currently in a relationship, but I realized something the other day - I live for stress...and when I'm stressed, the first thing I sacrifice is my relationship. I've discovered that I want a relationship on my terms - when I want the "closeness," I want it right then, but when I don't, I want to pretty much be left alone. Selfish? Most definitely, but I spent 7 years never being me or having what I truly wanted. Prior to that, I always prided myself in being the "perfect" girlfriend. I would lose myself to appeal to my significant other. And to be quite honest, I enjoy being independent and alone *some* of the time.

I can appreciate the guy I'm seeing now - though all of this is hugely unfair to him - since he realizes that I am flaky when it comes to the relationship. We agreed to take it one day at a time because I just don't know what I want or what I can handle. I can hear the girls now sighing and saying "oh, you have a sweet guy - don't screw it up and lose him." Well, I can't guarantee that - I told him from the beginning that I didn't know what I wanted and that I choose to take things slow. But I don't ever go slow, in anything! So we speed up and then slow down, back and forth, and he still sticks around. Maybe he's just a glutton for punishment? I don't know - I have no complaints - we'll just have to see how things progress. The good news is that even if we aren't in a relationship, we agree that we should always remain friends. We just get along too well...

I know, I know...it's one of those - "it's not you, it's me" issues, but it really is...I'm just that stubborn and that independent and just so unready for anything. I want to make a name for myself in my career and with all of the things that have happened to me in the past year, that is my focus - what keeps me going every day. Am I a workaholic? Yes - but it's one of those people that enjoy it - always wanting a goal, a challenge, willing to work the crap out of themselves to advance. That's me and I don't mind...

and now I feel better, having vented a little!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

30 Days

When I first heard about Morgan Spurlock and his movie "Super-size Me" I thought this guy was just a publicity hound and the whole movie was a joke, riding on the coattails of Michael Moore. But then I watched it - it was actually pretty interesting, though I didn't find it too scientific and realistic in the aspect that most people don't eat McDonald's for every meal. Overall though, it did pose some very serious questions about food quality, quantity, and obesity in the United States.

I must admit I am hooked on his series, 30 Days. It's mind-opening and refreshing to see what people in our communities experience. From living on minimum wage, to living with conflicting religious beliefs, to living as a coal miner. It's like Wife-Swap, but on a more serious social note. It's as much educational as it is entertainment. It basically creates an interface to expand people's views on issues that impact us socially and economically - basically "taking the blinders off."

Mind you, one should be willing to learn about a conflicting or unfamiliar lifestyle, and hopefully by the end of the episode willing to accept that while we are all different in our beliefs and may have opposing opinions, we are all still human and deserve understanding and respect. These shows expose common misconceptions we are all guilty of and give us the opportunity to reassess our views on the topics presented.

Open minds and open hearts compel us to be good neighbors - making for a more friendly society for us all to reside in...

Friday, May 30, 2008

So I like to bake...

...there's nothing wrong with that, right?

It calms and soothes me - relaxes me in the way the beach relaxes most people...ok, ok, so I'm a bit off, but if it makes me happy, is it so wrong?

For instance, tonight I made about a dozen mini cheesecakes for my friend's Italian deli (see the link over there on the left side of this blog?) - all varieties, from plain to kahlua to peanut butter...was that enough? Oh no! Then I decided to whip up a chocolate chip angel food cake (yeah, I know - the chocolate chips kind of defeat the whole non-fat angel food cake concept). And will I stop there? Probably not - I'll drizzle the angel food cake with chocolate to finish it off. It was a modification on what Marshall wants for his birthday - hey, creative freedom! And depending on how motivated I feel this weekend, I might even make another cake - a white wine cake...why? just for the hell of it - why not?

The humorous part of my whole love of baking (particularly desserts) is that I very rarely eat anything I make - I carry it into work and let my co-workers gobble it up! I don't ever hear a complaint from them and it keeps me from gaining any weight...a win-win situation!

People tell me that I should start my own bakery (I've even been told by one that *if* she ever gets married again, I can create her wedding cake), but I think I'm just not ready to do that - to take that leap...maybe do custom desserts for a local independent bakery? That's pretty much what I do for my friend's deli - it allows for a more flexible schedule...maybe one day, though, I just might try my hand at a dessert shop - who knows?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Can you dance?

I am *so* glad that So You Think You Can Dance is back on! I missed watching the auditions where people think they can dance and get offended when they're told they can't and shouldn't. It's like American Idol auditions, but oh so much better! There's the physical comedy factor added on this show. And then to see the ones that truly can dance - they are amazing!
So You Think You Can Dance

I like to think that I have some talent - after all, I did take ballet when I was younger...but that probably just means I can fall gracefully now! Oh well, I'll just live vicariously through the dancers on the show and try to pick who will be the big winner.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Poor Man's Whipped Frosting

I don't normally share recipes, but this one is such a favorite when I make it that it deserves to be passed on (and I can't take the credit of creating it). Though I will warn you - it is by no means the healthiest of recipes. Enjoy!

5 Tablespoons flour
1 Cup milk
1/2 Cup butter
1/2 Cup Crisco
1 Cup sugar
2 Teaspoons vanilla

Mix flour and milk in a saucepan; cook over low heat until thick (paste-like), stirring constantly - this is a slow process, don't rush it! Remove from heat. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate until cooled completely. Cream butter and Crisco for 4 minutes with an electric mixer. Add sugar and beat for 4 more minutes. Add cooled flour paste and beat for 4 more minutes.

It produces a nice whipped frosting that is "soft" when at room temperature, but stiff when kept chilled. This is a fairly touchy recipe - hopefully if you try it, it works out for you because it's incredible frosting. For a standard 9" 2-layer cake, I double the recipe. It can be used for pretty much anything. I've even mixed peanut butter in it to make a (well, duh!) peanut butter frosting - though adding to the recipe tends to thicken the frosting more.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

the Korean steakhouse experience...

Me and my friend, Shanette, decided to grab dinner at a new Korean steakhouse that opened up down the street - it was either that or Jamaican, but the cute guy that opened the door for us sealed the deal! It was her first time to try Korean - as for me, well, my mom is Korean, so it's a pretty good guess that I've eaten Korean food before (ya think?!?!)

So we did the whole Korean BBQ-thing, where you cook at the table - yes, amazing how you pay a restaurant for food and end up cooking for yourself! But hey, it supposed to be all about the "experience" - kind of like fondue. I got the beef bulgogi and she got the chicken bulgogi - that with miso soup and all the side dishes made for a fairly good meal. I particularly liked the rice they served with the meal - it wasn't the normal sticky white rice - it had red beans (even though they really look purple) mixed in with it...quite yummy! I've never been served rice that way...

I even chose to partake in some alcoholic experimentations...the first item to catch my attention was called a pineapple upside-down cake - vanilla vodka and pineapple juice (?) - it was good enough, but I expected it to be more pineapple-y. For my second choice, I picked out the German chocolate cake...I know, sounds more like I'm pigging out on desserts rather than drinks, but I didn't name them! The German chocolate cake was coconut rum, Godiva chocolate and some creme liquor (I just can't remember exactly). I did like that one better than the first. The bartender (I assume - either that or some random man - I do tend to attract those) came by our table and asked how I liked the drinks - so I told him...the first was ok, but the second was better. He said they were still in the process of stocking the bar and when done right, the pineapple drink would have mashed pineapples in it and the chocolate one would have coconut flake around the rim of the martini glass. Sound good to me!!!

Over all, a well laid out meal - probably a little pricey for regular visits at about $20 per person, depending on what you order, and $7 mixed drinks...but it's not out of range compared to the other Korean restaurant I frequent a few miles away (and this one has a bar). What surprises me the most is what are the odds that in Raleigh, North Carolina, there are 2 (and maybe more) Korean eateries within 5 miles of me? Maybe the cuisine is catching on? a fad? who knows, but I'm not complaining considering my mom is in Texas so no home-cooked meals from her any time soon.

In the end, a good dinner with a good friend - perfect to finish off a pretty decent day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Farmer Wants a Wife

well, I'm really not sure what to think - it's like watching some grotesque surgical procedure - you want to look away, try to look away, but...you...just...can't...

I just happened to be scanning through the channels and somehow stopped on Farmer Wants a Wife - it was a repeat, but for some unknown, maybe even unconscious reason, I did not change the channel and actually watched the whole episode. I think it was the animals (I like animals and farms) and watching these ridiculous women trouncing around in high heels, short skirts, and bikinis on a farm, trying to impress this HOT farmer (yes, I will admit he is *very* attractive) that they are the rural type that he needs in his life. "Oh I'm definitely falling for him!" kind of made me giggle - he has a totally different view on life and love and these nutty women in the short time they spend with him are looking to be his wife (or at least a serious relationship)...I know, I know - it's a REALITY show, but where the hell did the reality go?

He's cute, yes...the experience is different and exciting, yes...but seriously, these women are willing to relocate themselves and their careers to live on a farm? Farms nowadays are much more high-tech and he's not really out in the boonies, but still - are they *really* going to give up everything to move to be a farmer's wife? I think not - lord knows I wouldn't...no matter how sexy, how rich, how wonderful the man is, and how much I loved farm life. Don't get me wrong - I do love farms and animals and have no disdain for hard work (I've put plenty of time in myself), but how can one fathom living a city life and wanting to "go country" just to be with a man? You do it for yourself. Maybe I'm just too independent of a woman (no, none of that "I am woman, hear me roar" crap) - but there are these things called identity and compromise (and just a FYI - they're really important for a healthy relationship). I can't imagine flipping my life upside-down for "love" - at least not unless I knew it was something I would have done even if there was no relationship. I can understand the dislike of the whole dating scene in the city, but they act like being in the country is being on another planet...different and strange, yes, but people are people...you have the same issues with sex, love and relationships in both places...just a change in scenery. And if these women really wanted to get out of the "city life," did they really need to sign up for a reality show to do it?

The saddest thing out of all of this is that I actually watched the whole dang thing and then had to rant about it - I never said I was right in the head - plus I'd probably watch other episodes, more so just to see which woman he picks...my parting thought - again, where did the reality go in reality tv? at least they got the shoveling manure part right...

Farmer Wants a Wife

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I think I'm Addicted...

Yep, I believe I am hooked - I've decided that I have to get my regular fix of Anthony Bourdain, particularly his show No Reservations. I mean, how can you not love a sarcastic, entertaining, intellectual, smartass that knows all about foods, and introduces you to cuisine from around the world? Yes, I know - there's always that other guy, Andrew Zimmern - I like him well enough, but Mr. Bourdain is just so much more...well, hilarious! Maybe it's just me, actually it probably is, but I like the biting, yet complimentary dialogue better than the more "viewer-friendly" goofy approach that Mr. Zimmern provides. I really hope that someday, when I'm rich and famous (yeah, right), that I'll get to dine around the world like Anthony Bourdain - and hell, getting paid to do it would just be icing on the cake...

For now, I'll just continue to live vicariously through No Reservations like the rest of the Travel Channel-watchers.

The Travel Channel

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday! (to me)

Being from San Antonio, I'm always on the hunt for good Texas beef brisket...but I believe after tonight, my search is over!

After an exciting day at Artsplosure in Moore Square (where I happened to run into a friend I haven't seen in 10 years - I know, bad me for not keeping in touch) and then a short jaunt to the Farmers' Market, we (that would be me and Marshall - my significant other - other what, we're still debating that one) decided to get a bite to eat at Falls River Smokehouse since neither of us had ever been there. It was the best decision we made all day!
As an appetizer, we tried the BBQ nachos - gooey cheese, pulled pork BBQ, and jalapenos mounded on top of a basket-full of tortilla chips. Marshall got the standard pulled pork BBQ sandwich (which he said was very good) and I decided on the "choose 2" platter - BBQ spare ribs and Texas beef brisket, along with 2 sides (Brunswick stew and sweet potato fries) and cornbread. Yes, I was quite the pig, but it was just too good to pass up. Needless to say, when Vernon (the owner and chef) came by our table I told him I was "in love with the beef brisket!" It was so incredibly tender, it fell apart when I stabbed it with my fork. And the taste had just the right blend of seasonings and smoke flavor.
And just when I didn't think it could get any better, I had to try the Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding. Now, I do like bread pudding, and anything made from doughnuts has to be tasted...it's bread pudding made from Krispy Kreme doughnuts with chocolate chips and a citrus glaze. I told Vernon that I would definitely be coming back and ordering nothing but a heaping plate of brisket and another plate of the bread pudding!

Who would have thunk it - a dinner pick on a whim turned out to be a wonderful culinary experience, all in a down-home atmosphere that really was quite affordable. And it was the perfect finish to a great birthday for me!

Falls River Smokehouse Website

Falls River Smokehouse Review